AOL, Yahoo, and Microsoft Emails Are Blocking

If you are using an,, or Microsoft-based email addresses (eg: Hotmail,,, etc) to communicate with anyone in SFI (most notably the Helpdesk) you will never receive our replies. Both AOL and Microsoft are actively blocking all emails with in the sender's address or even in the body of the message.  All other email providers don't appear to be blocking at this time, we will update this message with additional information if that changes.

Until such time as SFI can convince both companies to release their block, we recommend switching to an email service that does not use AOL, Yahoo, or Microsoft-based services.

SFDPP Permissions issues

In accordance with a new directive from Commander Starfleet, moving forward, please reach out to your regional coordinator or equivalent SFMC personnel to have your members included on the leadership roster for Database Permissions. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Region 90 Data

Due to the upcoming transfer of data to the new STARFLEET Database, those members with missing emails and birthdates have been temporarily moved to Region 90 for holding. If you are reaching out to correct the data, please include;

  • SCC#,
  • correct unique email,
  • correct data of birth,
  • and what chapter they belong to. 

We are happy to assist in getting this information updated for the membership. 
If you have additional questions please reach out to your Regional Coordinator. They have been provided the list of members this effected. 

Onboarding Emails

Due to ongoing issues with SFI emails Onboarding emails have been temporarily halted. Chapter COs and Regional Coordinators have access to give member usernames. Passwords can be reset via the forgot password link. If the reset email is not received please place a ticket. 


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