Articles in this category How do I file my Monthly Status Report (MSR)? There are several ways to submit your MSR; Via the SFI Online Database ( This is the preferred method of reporting. To file a report on the database: ... I wish to transfer my membership to a new chapter. What do I do? Submit a ticket to the I want to change my Chapter’s name. What do I do? The Department of Technical Services (DTS) is the repository of all the NCC numbers and names used by SFI. In order to change a chapter’s name, you must petition and get permission from DTS (contact ... Can I start a Chapter? Sure you can! Contact Shakedown Operations ( for the specifics of starting a chapter, but a rule of thumb is that you need an initial 5 members in good standing, and a Vessel Registratio... A new CO and/or XO just got elected but don’t have the required tests. Can they still take office? STARFLEET Operations allows a CO and/or XO 60 days to get either of both required tests done. If they are not completed by that time, Operations will not recognize the election and deem the chapter t... A new CO and/or XO has just been elected; how do we make that change in the database? There are two ways that you can make this change. Log into the SFI Members Database and, under the “Chapter” section, you will find the “Change of Command” tool. You...